October 16-20 2023 | Hybrid | Sydney, Australia


Location: Leigthton Hall
Day 2: 17 October 2023 (Tuesday) | Time: 9:30 am - 10:30 am

Title: UI 4.0 – Synergetic Effects between Mixed Reality and Games.

Abstract: As new display and tracking technology for virtual and augmented reality is emerging in great strides, it becomes increasingly important to investigate their usability and user experience in applications. Gamification provides schemes beyond ergonomics and usability to include user motivation into application design. This presentation will discuss and analyze opportunities and challenges of providing user experiences for live experimentation in AR and VR settings.

Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D.

Prof. Klinker studied computer science (informatics) at the Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen, Universität Hamburg (Diplom) and Carnegie-Mellon University (Ph.D.) in Pittsburgh, focusing on research topics in computer vision. In 1989, she joined the Cambridge Research laboratory of Digital Equipment Corporation in Boston, MA, working in the scientific visualization group on the development of a reusable tele-collaborative data exploration environment to analyze and visualize 3D and higher-dimensional data in medical and industrial applications. Since 1995, she has been researching various aspects of augmented reality, first at the European Computer-industry Research Center, then at the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics, and since 2000 at the Technical University of Munich. Here, her research focus lies on developing approaches to ubiquitous mixed reality that provide immersed user experiences in realistic industrial applications and in serious games. Klinker is one of the co-founders of the International Symposium of Augmented Reality (ISMAR). She has served on numerous program committees such as ISMAR, VR, VRST, 3DUI, and UIST. She is author and co-author of over 250 peer-reviewed scientific publications. She is a recipient of the Robert Sauer-Preis der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, the ISMAR 10 Years Lasting Impact Award and the IEEE VR Lifetime Achievement Award. She is an inaugural member of the IEEE VGTC Virtual Reality Academy.

Location: Leigthton Hall
Day 3: 18 October 2023 (Wednesday) | Time: 9:00 am - 10:00 am

Title: User Interfaces for AR: The Last Frontier – Us(ers)

Abstract: User interfaces are the boundary between humans and Augmented Reality technology. These user interfaces incorporate the visual presentation of information, virtual controls for the applications, and physical devices to enhance users’ abilities to build a mental model that blends the physical world and the virtual world created for them. This is a very difficult problem to solve. Many smart scientists have investigated this problem for decades. This talk will investigate this research from the point of view of where we came from, where we are at the current moment, and possible future directions we could go. Part of this journey is a discussion of why this is a difficult problem. AR user interfaces are more difficult to design than traditional 2D desktops, handheld devices, and (I would argue) Virtual Reality interfaces. While AR user interfaces research is challenging, it is quite rewarding. The talk hopefully will motivate more researchers to investigate this topic.

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Friends of ISMAR

Advent2 Labs

Bruce Hunter Thomas, Ph.D.

Professor Thomas is currently Emeritus Professor at the University of South Australia. His current research interests include the following: user interfaces, augmented reality, virtual reality, visualisation, wearable computers, CSCW, tabletop display interfaces, and the use of cognitive psychology in virtual environments research. He has served in many roles for the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, IEEE Virtual Reality, and IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, including program chair, general chair and on the steering committee. He also founded the ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces Conference (formerly IEEE Tabletop). He was awarded the ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC) 20-Year Impact Award. Prof. Thomas’ academic qualifications include the following: a BA in Physics from George Washington University, an MS in Computer Science from the University of Virginia, and a PhD in Computer Science from Flinders University. Prof. Thomas has over 350 publications and has been cited over 10900 times.

Location: Leigthton Hall
Day 4: 19 October 2023 (Thursday) | Time: 9:00 am - 10:00 am

Title: The Benefits of Immersive Education for Humanoid and Digital Lifeforms

Abstract: With 30+ years of direct industry and academic experience in the AI and immersive computing field, Mr. Graylin will tackle a highly pressing topic facing people today. With the eminent emergence of advanced digital intelligence with its associated social as well as economic impact, how can XR technology and metaverse worlds play a role to mitigate the impending risks while delivering positive impact for humanity? This 50-minute talk will discuss this important question including presenting supporting research and sharing actionable suggestions for affected individuals. A 10-minute Q&A will follow.

Alvin Wang Graylin (汪丛青) 

Global VP of Corp. Dev., HTC        HTC企业发展全球副总裁
President, VRVCA                           虛拟现实风投联盟 主席
Vice Chairman, IVRA                      虚拟现实产业联盟 副理事长

Our Next RealityHow the AI-Powered Metaverse will Reshape the World

Alvin Wang GRAYLIN (汪丛青) has been the China President at HTC, leading all aspects of Vive/VR and Smartphone businesses since 2016 and this year started the role of Global VP of Corporate Development, driving key partnership engagements for the company.  He is also currently the Vice-Chairman of the Industry of Virtual Reality Alliance (IVRA) with 300+ company members, President of the $18B Virtual Reality Venture Capital Alliance (VRVCA) and oversees the Vive X VR Accelerators in Beijing, Shenzhen and Tel Aviv. ViveX is the most active investor in the VR/AR space with over 110 investments in the space in the last 7 years. GRAYLIN has written a new book about the pending transformation of society this decade brought on by the convergence of AI and metaverse technologies which will be published by Hachette Book Group in early 2024.   

Under his leadership, HTC has been voted as the top VR company in China at the World Conference of VR Industry (WCVRI) three of the last four years, and GRAYLIN has been recognized by media/industry experts as the most influential person in VR/AR in China from 2016-2022. GRAYLIN first did his research in VR space 30+ years ago under the tutelage of Prof. Tom Furness (The Godfather of VR) at the Human Interface Technology Lab, and specialized in AI/Natural Language Processing while at the University of Washington and MIT.  

GRAYLIN has over 28 years of business leadership experience in the tech industry, including 20 years in Greater China. Prior to HTC, he was a serial entrepreneur, having founded four separate venture-backed startups in the AI based natural language search, mobile social networks, AD tech, and big-data AI analytics in China and the US. He also helped found a mobile internet focused investment incubator based in Taiwan for SOSV. Additionally, GRAYLIN has held major P&L roles at major corporations such as Intel, Trend Micro, WatchGuard Technologies and IBM. He helped co-found Intel’s operations in China in the early 1990s. GRAYLIN is a sought-after keynote speaker at major conferences around the world and appears regularly in major print/online/broadcast media. He’s a respected expert in the areas of Immersive Computing (AR/VR/MR), Artificial Intelligence, Entrepreneurship, Venture Investing, and operating technology companies in the China market.  

GRAYLIN was born in China during the Cultural Revolution, educated in the US during the PC revolution, played a significant role to fuel the internet and mobile revolution, and now recognized as a global thought leader for the coming AI/Metaverse revolution. He received his M.S. in computer science specializing in AI from MIT, M.S. in Business from MIT’s Sloan School of Management and graduated top of his department with a B.S. in electrical engineering from University of Washington, where he had specialized in VR, AI and CPU architecture.  GRAYLIN is fluent in English, Mandarin and Cantonese